me and the moon.

today i head back to “school”.  aka, i am starting my fabulous new job.  all told, i am over.the.moon.  so much so that i kept myself very busy this weekend so as not to focus too much on the excitement of this impending day.

friday i spent the day crossing off innumerable little errands and to-do’s from a fluorescent green piece of paper…somehow managing to avoid any closet-taming.  i am apparently saving that hulking task for when i have a lot of stress to work out.  i lazed about the apartment on friday evening: a stack of magazines and cookbooks, a long stretch of back to back episodes of ‘say yes to the dress’ and a couple of glasses of cabernet to round out the plans.

i awoke early saturday morning to attend wordcamp, a blog camp for wordpress users (bloggers and developers alike).  in true anne fashion i got there with plenty of time to spare and set to chatting and settling in.  it wasn’t until fifteen minutes before the workshops started that i realized that i had forgotten my computer.  for blog camp.  sigh.  luckily evan hadn’t departed for tybee yet and graciously delivered said computer.  i cracked it open, only to realize that i hadn’t charged the laptop the night before.  she was on her last leg.  i win worst blogger at blog camp award.

fortunately, after soaking up all sorts of useful blog knowledge and meeting lots of fantastic people, i headed for tybee and an amazing dinner with evan and his parents.  followed by an after dinner stroll on the beach, complete with heat lightning galore, and bathwater warm ocean water lapping at our feet.


gorgeous moon over the ocean.

one more for good measure.

smattering of vintage brooches.


back to the car.

sunday was a blur of household maintenance, grocery shopping, cooking, and overall pulling-it-together.  i’ll be back once or twice this week to check in…

xo, anne


Filed under weekending

7 responses to “me and the moon.

  1. Kristen

    loving the military jcrew pins galore….

    • kristen, my love! thank you thank you! i am constantly in the process of adding more heaps of brooches, eventually i will have to divest myself of a few. thank goodness for the etsy store!
      xo, anne

  2. It was so great meeting you Annie! I hope your first day at the job goes well. Please keep in touch!

  3. bh

    so hi , love the pictures especially beach @ night.
    btw, is that miley movie filmed on tybee????
    btw2, when is that movie i make a cameo appearance in out???
    btw3 hey andrew!!!!! great company on this blog!!!!!
    byw4, ttfn, bh

  4. Caroline

    tell us every detail of the new day at the job! your loyal followers (cough, me) can’t wait to hear. . .


  5. bh

    uhmmmmmmm, 8/23 – 8/29 is a long long time with no post. your fans await.

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